I'm so behind on updating! It seems time has flown by. We have kept very busy with several Christmas get togethers. Unfortunately, me being the bad mom that I am, took didn't take any pictures at Christmas...we did get some video. Here are some pics from the past few weeks!

Micah enjoys his Cheerios, and sticks his hand in his snack trap any chance he gets! He has no idea acutally how to get them out, he just likes to play in it.

Walking along the tv cabinet-naked!

Getting a crazy piggy back ride with Daddy

For the first time tried a teething biscuit. I think he is a little young yet for them, but he seemed to enjoy it!

We cat sat for Alex and Melissa's baby-Birdie. The two crazy cats were very entertaining to watch. Here they are taking a much needed break by the fireplace.

Just chilling with a bottle by the fireplace!

Caught red handed sneaking into my purse!

About to be destructive-he likes to throw everything that is on the coffee table to the floor.

Bath time fun-he wore his bucket as a hat.
Looks like he was doing some serious business with that teething biscuit. Our neighbor, Frieda Miller used to feed them to our Irish Setter, remember Matt? I haven't seen Birdie since she was really tiny. She's grown a lot. Nice picture of them together on the back of the couch.