Sorry for the impossibly long delay...Easter weekend updates! I was so busy last week, then this past weekend our blog vanished, and magically reappeared again. Still don't understand what happened with that, but I'm glad it is back! So Saturday, the day before Easter, we spent at the Calhoun's with family. First time I ever had steak for Easter dinner-and it was fabulous! Don't know the last time we had steak. Then of course, in Calhoun tradition, played games :)

Micah is a whiz at Five Crowns!
On Easter, we arrived to church early for the sunrise breakfast.

Opa talking with his "Smiley" during the meal

After church, Grandma Maier put on an Easter egg hunt for Teague and Micah. They had a great time! (Of course, they had to make it really easy for a 1 and 2 year old, so the eggs were just laying all over the lawn)

He even helped put them in his bag

After dinner, both boys were ready for a nap :) Thanks Papa John for taking the time to get Micah to sleep!
This was technically Micah's 2nd Easter...though his first Easter was spent in the hospital when he was only a day old :)