Is winter here? Getting the coveted "Snow Day Phone Call" this morning has me leaning toward yes. Oh, how a snow day makes me so happy! So our fall season was great, but it's hard to believe that enjoying fall colors and my favorite season has come to an early end.
We are finding that two kids makes us much busier than just the one did, but I don't think that comes as a surprise. Sorry for the month long delays in blog posts. All that means is that our tardiness gives you more news and pics to catch up on.
Jennie is busy with nursing clinicals, I am coaching a 7th grade basketball team for the next 2 months, Adelie is getting her legs under her, and Micah is making his dentist earn her money (you can ask about that later) and is taking his Water Runners class at the YMCA. Yes, the Water Runners Class is our feeble attempt at managing his energy overload. I don't think it's working. Love that kid... wish I had the kind of battery he does. I would be so much more productive.
Now, we are all looking forward to the coming holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas always end up being celebrated in epic proportions, being that Jennie and I get to double up on these celebrations, for the fact that both of our families are so near. It's going to be great!
Here are some of the highlights of the last month:
hiking at Van Buren State Park after our last camping trip
Micah and Mommy
The patient, his nurse, and his doctor... Happy Halloween!
Jack-O-Lanter #1
Jack-O-Lantern #2
Adelie's 10 month picture
November 12, 2013 = Snow Day fun!
Cleaning off dad's ride
Cleaning off Micah's ride
Jumping in leaf piles, Michigan style.
Even the beast escaped for some first snow fun!
On another note...
Okay, so these are not from the last month. In fact, they are long overdue. Jennie told me when I was blogging that she had said a while back that I would report on my wilderness trip to Craig Lake State Park in the upper peninsula of Michigan. We made this 6 day trip in the last part of July. The excursion was miles away from civilization (the way I like it). It really was an adventure. The first night we had to race across the lake in our canoes to set up camp on the ridge before the storm hit us. We got set up just in time to get under our tarps and keep most of the rain off. Needless to say, the strong winds drove some of the rain into our shelters. We had an ax injury, resulting in having to get my cousin out of the park and to a hospital. He got stitched up, came back to camp, and then went back to the hospital in Marquette later in the week for hand surgery. I swear I crossed a crazed beaver that had it in for me fishing solo one night. He surfaced a few feet from my kayak two times and pounded the water. Guess I got a little too close to his home. We even had two nights in which we had to brave temperatures that dipped into the 30s. When you put it that way, it sounds like a miserable trip, but when you are there in the heart of God's creation you can't help but be amazed. Blessed to have been able to have been there. I can't wait to do another trip like it!

Craig Lake Transportation
Found this little waterfall when we paddled over to Claire Lake and hiked the portage trail.
Claire Lake
My quiet night time paddle