Well it has been awhile since a post! We got really busy, and then our computer wasn't reading our camera card...but anyway, a lot to catch up on. We have been busy as Matt is teaching, continues his masters classes, and is now in the season of coaching 4th grade basketball. He has practices after school on Tuesdays and Fridays, and they have games on Saturday mornings. I just finished my second week of teaching clinicals for LMC, which is going well but time consuming after clinicals as I grade work and have to do weekly evaluations on each student.
We went out of town this weekend to Ann Arbor for our nephew Gabe's dedication. We stayed in a hotel Saturday night with Myke and Jess and had a great time (Micah enjoyed swimming in the hotel pool the best and staying up late playing cards!)
He's quite the Houdini to be able to get out of his pants during his nap.