Had a great weekend! HAd the opportunity to visit Doug and Sarah Rau (Mr. Doug and Dr. Sarah) in Rockford with our other Maier family. HAd an awesome time hanging out, enjoying their beautiful house, and exploring downtown Rockford. Thanks for having us! Several pics of the weekend:

The stairs were a big hit for Micah-he really has a good time going up and down. When Teague saw how much fun he was having, he joined in.

Cousin and Aunt love on the stairs

We went to a cute coffee shop, Hermans Boy

Becks and Finn at the coffee shop

Matt and Finn playing in the living room (look at that belly!)

Finn (sorry, this pic should have been flipped)

Micah Man

Dr. Sarah and Mr. M

Cousins playing-cute!

Another huge hit of the weekend-the tingler!

Weird sensation!

Finn and Teague on our walk

At the Rockford Dam

It was gorgeous

At a cute pizza bistro downtown

Manatee Man is tuckered out. On the drive home Sat. night.
Sunday afternoon-this is what doing your Masters and having a baby looks like...
Looks like you all had a great time. It's nice to see the families spending time together. We used to go on vacations together with the Zielkes a lot also.