As excited as I am to be a bear again, it will be sad to leave Watervliet, which has proved to be a fine school district. I learned so much there in regards to my profession and think of the people there as an extension of my family.
Today (Saturday, July 21) was my first venture into the world of triathlon. I participated in the Sister Lakes Sprint Triathlon (500m swim, 13 mi bike, 3.2 mi run). It was a great first experience. The weather couldn't have been better and the course was as enjoyable as a triathlon course can be. Very scenic. I know I am sore now, but I'm thinking I may do some more of these before my legs beg me to stop. Out of 400+ competitors I finished 41st with a time of 1:25.33. I ended up placing third in my age group. I am not too proud to admit that I got my butt handed to me by a bunch of girls!
Enjoy the pictures. The swimwear shots are more so for my wife's enjoyment!
Thinking, "What did I get myself into?"
Catching up with swim buddy Patrick VanAntwerp.
Other swim buddy, Grant Hart.
Swim Start
Finished the swim and starting to feel like a triathlete.
Transition to bike.
Heading out. Pit times were of NASCAR quality.
Finished the bike course.
Transition to run.
Down the chute to the finish line.
Thanks to my fan club - Teague, Finley, and Micah!
Congrats on both achievements Matt!!